

MOVING FORWARD: Part 2 - Our Mission

As a reminder, the reason we’re here – Our Mission – is to work together to
            Uplift humanity by enabling opportunity

There are many ways to uplift humanity and, throughout history, many great people have uplifted humanity in their own way:
From Mother Theresa to Cyrus the Great...
.... Mahatma Gandhi to Martin Luther King, Jr...
... history is full of people that used their time on this planet to uplift others.
These people made an impact that lasted far beyond their own lives – permanently lifting humanity to a higher level.
In our case, our approach does not revolve around a single person or celebrity.
Our method is about a group of people – YOU AND I  – coming together to improve the lives of billions of people by enabling opportunity for them – using technology.

But does the world need this?
A few days ago, we discussed the World Bank’s report that was published last month... 
… which in summary, says that 600 million jobs will need to be created in the next 8 years, just for the world to stay at the current (un)employment level. 

Here’s the challenge with that:
Those 600M jobs are not coming.
If anything, the jobs market will shrink, because of technological advances that are requiring less and less people in the factories, farms -- and everywhere.
The result will be mass poverty -- and we can all use our imagination to see where that will take this nuclear-armed and dangerous world.

Our world is headed for big trouble – unless a group of motivated, intelligent and capable people can figure out a solution that they can execute on.
Accomplishing Our Mission is not a “that would be nice” or a "fun hobby" – it’s a MUST DO.  

FanBoxers: This is where we – YOU -- enter the picture.  

If not us, then who?
It took 12 years and U.S. $100 million to build the FanBox platform thus far...
... and that's a very low cost for building something this sophisticated -- because the largest category of expenses (employee payroll) was massively discounted thanks to over one thousand FanBox employees working for no or low pay.
My point is that no investor or bank would invest $100M into something that they wouldn't be able to control and reap the profits from..
... and control + profits belonging to the community is an essential element of the FanBox approach.

Therefore, we FanBoxers find ourselves in a situation that is virtually unheard of, and
we have unparalleled potential to make a positive impact on the world.

For example, Facebook raised almost one billion dollars to fund its development...
.... and in the process, became indebted (and owned) by investors that (rightfully so) aim to maintain control and generate profits for themselves.
FanBox, however, has built this platform without taking even one penny from outside investors.
(the $100M FanBox has spent in its development, has completely come from revenues derived from its technology patents and inventions by its employees)
FanBox, therefore, has maintained the right and ability to give both the control -- and the profits -- to its citizens.
Therefore, if not us, then who?

Thanks to the vision, hard work and patience of our members, Success Coaches, founding mothers and employees...
... we are finding that the solution we have together been working on...
The FanBox Platform
... is turning out to look exactly like the solution that could provide the answers to some of these important challenges that our world is facing.

To reiterate, the reason we’re here – Our Mission – is to work together to
            Uplift humanity by enabling opportunity

Let's continue to warm up our brains and get the dialog going...
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Designed By Akash Goswami