3 simple steps to CASH OUT thousands of dollars
My fellow FanBoxers,
In three (3) simple steps, I’m going to show you how to earn and CASH OUT thousands of dollars -- OR MORE – as much money as you want or need – using IPL “I’ll Pay Later”.
Before you get started:
Get as much IPL as the system will give you.
order to jump-start the profit-making steps I'll share below, try to
utilize the whole amount as soon as you can on your ads, or by boosting
other people’s ads.
---> If you don’t know how to do this, ask a free success coach.
---> If you don’t know how to do this, ask a free success coach.
Success Coaches are FanBoxers just like you; and they’re here to help you get your questions answered.
1) Step 1: The magic of “COMPOUND INTEREST”
60 days after your earn on FanBox, you can re-invest ALL your earnings into ads and boosts.
Do that!
re-investing ALL your earnings, you’re not only re-using your original
IPL funds to earn more, but you’re also re-investing your profits to earn even more profits.
Here’s why this is important:
You are NOT charged a processing fee when re-investing your profits.
(You only pay a processing fee on your original IPL amount.)
So it’s really smart to put your profits to work, to earn even more profits.
(Which you can put to work again, and again, and again….)
Compounding interest – or profits – is the secret to how most wealthy people originally became wealthy:
By re-investing profits again and again, wealth is accumulated at a faster and faster pace.
2) Step 2: Use IPL for FREE
Each month, visit the directory and fiund a product or service that you need.
you purchase something from the directory -- something that you would
be buying from somewhere else anyway -- the system will give you back
your entire processing fee!
Here’s how that works:
full one-third – or 33.3% -- of anything you purchase goes right back
into your FanBox bank as a "cash back earning", until you’ve earned back
100% of your processing fee!
This is very important to understand because it essentially makes your IPL “interest-free”.
Is this clear?
By using IPL, you’re already using OPM -- or “Other People’s Money” -- to generate profits.
OPM is a major “trick” that wealthy people use to make money for themselves…
But it’s much better on FanBox:
The magic here is that you’re using OPM at no cost to yourself – because you’re earning back your entire processing fee.
when you earn back your processing fee, it then also goes to work for
you on your ads and boosts -- earning more and more profits for you!
NOTE: You must purchase something on or before 7 days after your processing fee is due.
and can't find anything great in the directory? Don't worry, lots and
lots of products and services are on the way -- because sellers are
learning that lots of people are looking to earn back their processing
3) Step 3: Automatically get a HIGHER IPL LIMIT
This step is automatic (you don’t need to do anything):
Because you’re a good citizen, the system will reward you with a higher IPL Limit.
Your ads and boosts can be set up to automatically take the higher limit and put it to work for you.
That’s it!
Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3...
... and before you know it, you will be on your way to earning -- and cashing out -- thousands of dollars!
In Summary:
Earning many thousands of dollars is as simple as:
1) Re-invest your profits again and again and again.
NOTE: This is easy to do:
Just leave your ads and boosts “On”, and create more ads and boosts anytime you’re feeling creative.
Earn your entire processing fee back, by purchasing something you need
-- anything at all -- from the product and service directory.
NOTE: Each month, you can only do this during the first 7 days after your processing fee due date.
3) Pay your monthly processing fee on-time, to maximize your chances that the system increases your IPL Limit.
Then, sit back…
…and watch your balance grow as high as you want.
And Cash Out…
when you have earned as much money as you want or need. Simply pay off
your original IPL amount (using your FanBox earnings) and cash out.
ANY QUESTIONS? I'm here for you.
So, I'm curious: How much money is enough for you?